Traditional Indian practices to follow for a healthy child.

Traditional Indian practices to follow for a healthy child.

Do you also wonder about the ways followed by Indians to have a healthy child? You are at the right place for your answers to have a healthy child.

India is a country of beliefs. Here believing in the positive side is what brings the actual change. India has a history of Vedic medical and Ayurveda. The trust of people on traditional methods of curing a problem is above western medical science. The world is aware of the wonders of Ayurvedic practices. These practices can be made for having a healthy child. There are many right saying about the Ayurveda by doctors, researchers, and philosophers.

Prana Gogia said – “Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature – “to love and honor who we are”, not as what people think or tell us, “who we should be.”

The pregnancy period is a very precious time in a women’s life. So adapting your life to Ayurveda and Vedic medicals can do wonders in your pregnancy days. There are many challenges in this journey, but by adopting some of the traditional Indian practices, you can also have a healthy child.

An infant’s health is visible on the factors of growth, hunger, diet, exercise. But these factors are hard to consider that of an unborn child. 

Pregnant Indian women following traditional customs.

Here are some Traditional practices you can follow to have a healthy child.

1. Book reading and storytelling for a healthy child.

It is considered as a good habit if you read positive books during pregnancy. The baby in the womb can understand mothers’ thoughts. So if the mother reads, thinks, and understand the book, it automatically reflects that to the child. In India, reading holy books during the last stages of pregnancy is considered a holy practice. In Hindu culture, reading the  Bhagavad Gita is a sign of responsibility for the mother. Storytelling is also very beneficial. It is a tradition in south India and in some parts of north India as well to read the holy books during pregnancy period to deliver the same enthusiasm to the child. This way the child in the womb becomes emotionally attached to the positive following.

Women reading hindu holy book – Bhagvat Geeta.

2. Music and creativity.

Music plays a very important part of everyone’s life. Unborn babies love music. Music gives a chemical boost in the brain to perform your work, being active, remaining calm, having positive vibes, etc. It gives you a sense of good feeling. traditional and cultural music is considered very boosting and calming. In India, pregnant women are made to listen to traditional and cultural music

Music and creativity go hand in hand. If there is the right music, there will always be the right creative work. 

As the baby grows in the mother’s womb, she/he begins to hear and respond to sound. The baby may not understand what you are saying but singing can help with her/his brain development. You can try this relaxing music.

From time to time listen to soothing music or even nursery rhymes can also work.

This way you can shape your baby’s music taste and knowledge.

Music and creativity encourage her/him to be calm and even increase concentration power. After birth, your baby remembers and relives all those good feelings associated with the music, art, and creativity each time she/he hears it. 

Women engaged in creativity during pregnancy.

3. Yoga and Meditation.

Doing Yoga during pregnancy increases the flexibility and of your muscles, which would be useful during labor. It improves your blood circulation, which will help to reduce pregnancy-related backaches and cramps. It also increases your capacity to bear the pain during pregnancy and labor. Meditation calm and relaxes your mind. You can refer to these Yoga Asanas.

Pregnant women following traditional yoga asana.

The pranayama and breathing techniques employed in yoga and meditation are particularly relaxing. Meditation is an integral part of yoga and also of Garbha Sanskar. Traditional Indian practices include regular pranayama and stretching throughout the pregnancy period.

4. Sunshine.

India is very well known for the equator passing from its heart. That makes it a country with a rich source of sunshine. Vitamin D has been so important in the pregnancy journey. There is a particular study done by WHO on this. All you need to do is have some sunshine up for 20 minutes a day.

Pregnant women enjoying sunshine.

Most of the vitamin D we rely on to grow healthy and strong bones comes from the sun, though it can also be found in a few foods like oily fish and eggs. This nutrient is essential because it helps the development of your baby, and researchers have also started investigating a link between a lack of vitamin D in pregnant women and autism. Child health gets affected because of these small factors. So better keep these in mind during pregnancy.

5. Healthy food for a healthy child.

Indian diet generally consists of fats and spices. But during pregnancy, the level of spices in food and quantity of fats in food are kept in mind. Traditional Indian practices include Garbha sanskar, which recommends a sattvik diet or a pure diet during pregnancy. This includes only freshly-made meals and fresh vegetables. It contains vital nutrients in balanced proportions. Sattvik diet is a very important part of a pregnant Indian woman. A sattvik diet also means avoiding spicy food and food which contains preservatives.

Healthy food for pregnant women.

It is believed that such a diet will keep you and your baby healthy and pure. Check with your doctor before making any major changes to your diet. Sattvik diet will help you to have a healthy child.

6. Massage and Therapy.

Massage and oil therapy are some of the most routines of Indian women. Not just during the pregnancy period, but also their daily routine. Oil massage is a traditional practice done to relax your brain nerves and makes you calm and stable. Rubbing your belly gently during pregnancy generates stimulation for the baby.

A baby, still in the womb, can feel your touch. After 20 weeks, your baby can feel you touching your bump and stroking it. You can send calming messages to her/his nervous system.

Image portraying importance of massage during pregnancy

Many research suggests that an unborn baby can even distinguish between her/his mother and father’s touch. Your unborn baby can even have a sense of smell. Fragrance and aroma are good therapy. You can try and smell fresh flowers, fruits, and other such soothing fragrances whenever you can, as these therapies will help with the baby’s brain stimulation.

So these are some of the Traditional Indian practices done by Indian women during their pregnancy time to deliver a healthy child without or with fewer complications.

“The Ayurvedic route to great health involves two simple steps:

1. Doing less;

2. Being more.”

Pregnancy is the most beautiful moment in any women’s life. this phase is life-changing. During this phase, every woman experiences some complications. But sometimes traditional ways are a solution to your problems. there are scriptures on these traditional medical practices and so many real-life experiences shared through books, blogs, life stories, etc. And they are another proof of the successful results of using traditional science.

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