Yoga: Introduction, Etymology, Benefits, and drawbacks

Yoga: Introduction, Etymology, Benefits, and drawbacks


Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual habit or practice. Yoga finds its origin in ancient India. Moreover, it lists among the six disciplines of Indian philosophy and tradition. Yoga styles have different forms and schools in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. As a matter of fact, in the modern world yoga consists largely of a group of asanas. It was invented by Patanjali. The chronology of the earliest mention of yoga traces back to the Upanishads.


The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” meaning to join, Moreover, it has similarity with the English word “yoke”. The main philosophical concept of yoga aims at the unification of the human spirit with the divine spirit. Kriyayoga, it’s another form refers to the unification of soul with divine matter by performing daily duties, as “kriya” means “practical” aspects in the world of philosophy. The great ancient philosopher Vyasa, wrote the first commentary on the sutras. Hence, he claimed its meaning is concentration (Samadhi). In addition, a person with high commitment for yoga philosophy is called a “yogi”.

Five Benefits of yoga:

  1. Flexibility

it is good for muscle stretching and toning. Moreover, the standing poses develop our lower body muscles. However inversions, downward dog, and arm balances develop the upper body.  

  • Better posture

The practice of performing asanas, helps us develop our core muscles. Hence our stomach and back muscles get strong. A strong core is the reason for good posture. In addition, it also prevents our back and neck muscles.

  • Stress relieve

It involves a wide range of breathing exercise. Thus, one pays more attention to his breath. Deep breathing helps us relax immediately and helps relieve stress and anxiety.

  • Reduces back pain

As it is good for maintaining posture, it may easily relieve chronic low back pain. Thus it increases our functionality in daily activities. Hence our quality of life enriches.

  • Good sleep

Relaxation from pain and stress and assures sound sleep. Thus exercising is good for developing a peaceful sleeping habit. Moreover, it is good for the treatment of arthritis in elders.


  1. It might induce carpal tunnel syndrome, escalating blood pressure. Hence it might not be good for individuals under treatment for rising blood pressure.
  2. Performing some advanced level exercises, postures might slow down the rate of recovery after surgeries or medical treatment. Moreover musculoskeletal problems might also arise, lasting for a month.
  3. Hot yoga, known as Bikram is performed under high temperatures. Moreover, high intensity workouts under rising temperature can lead to dizziness, exhaustion, dehydration, and fatigue. This makes it unfit for individuals with heart problems.

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