16 weeks of pregnancy:

16 weeks of pregnancy:

During 16 weeks of pregnancy the fetus would have started to form facial expressions and its nervous system will also be growing.Your little one is trying to lift the head and neck from their curved positions.You will also start to feel the baby movement during 16 weeks of pregnancy.

During 16 weeks of pregnancy the fetus would have started to form facial expressions and its nervous system will also be growing.Your little one is trying to lift the head and neck from their curved positions.You will also start to feel the baby movement during 16 weeks of pregnancy.

How big is your baby ?

Your baby is around 11.6 cm long and about the size of an orange.

Your baby’s development during 16 weeks of pregnancy:

1.All their limbs and joints are now fully formed.They are trying to give a good stretch and flex.They have found their thumb and trying to suck it by now.
2.Baby’s backbone has become stronger and will start to straighten out their head and neck.
3.As their nervous system is making connections to all the muscles you might feel your baby’s movement.
4.Baby’s facial expressions are started to appear.
5.Currently the skin is quite translucent.
6.Tiny ears which has started out at their neck have almost reached their final position.Your baby is not able to hear but it can definitely recognize your voice.

Pregnant belly during 16 weeks of pregnancy:

Now you can feel that you are pregnant as you can feel your pregnant belly.Your uterus is now about the size of a papaya.It located halfway between your navel and your pubis.The ligaments that holds your uterus in place are stretching,thickening and preparing for further growth.

What are the symptoms observed during 16 weeks of pregnancy?

Some of the most common symptoms which you observe during 16 weeks of pregnancy are :

1.Bigger breasts
2.Lower back pain
4.Varicose veins
5.Brain cell ratio decreases causing forgetfulness and concentration difficulties.
6.Thicker hair and nails.

What kind of lifestyle you should lead during 16 weeks of pregnancy?

1.If you are suffering from pregnancy related congestion,try placing a humidifier in your room.
2.Get healthy extra calories.
3.Drink plenty of water and eat foods which are rich in fiber.
4.Stay active.

What kind of foods you should consume during 16 weeks of pregnancy?

During 16 weeks of pregnancy increase the intake of the following foods:

1.Whole grains
2.Fruits and vegetables
3.Low-fat,nutrient rich proteins
4.Unsaturated fats.

Please avoid the following foods:

1.Saturated and trans fats
2.Sweetened beverages and other refined sugars.

Things to do during 16 weeks of pregnancy:

1.Doctor will advise you to stop sleeping on your back at this time.
2.If you are craving for sweet foods then try eating fruits or yogurt instead of candy.
3.Exercise at-least 30 minutes everyday.Swimming and walking are great low intensity workouts.

16 weeks pregnancy diet:

Below are the following list of nutrients that should be a part of your 4th month pregnancy diet food:

1.Iron rich food : The blood volume increases in the 4th month.Increasing the iron rich in food helps to meet the increased iron requirements in the blood. Foods which are rich in iron include tofu, soybeans, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, nuts, dry fruits etc.
2.Fibre rich food: Eating fibre rich food will ensure that you have a smooth bowel movement.

Foods that are rich in fiber includes cereals such as oatmeal, barley, flax seeds,almonds,broccoli,figs,strawberries,bananas,apples and pears.

3.Calcium rich foods: For strong bones in the baby, it is important that the body is supplied with sufficient amount of calcium.Foods rich in calcium are : milk, almonds, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, okra.
4.Proteins and carbohydrates : Proteins act as the building blocks of tissues and muscles and carbohydrates provides energy to the body. Protein rich foods includes nuts, lentils, dal etc. Carbohydrate rich food are potatoes, bread, pasta etc.

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#baby development

#pregnant belly






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