Yoga for weight loss during Quarantine

Yoga for weight loss during Quarantine

The practice of yoga supports physical, mental, and spiritual development that allows you to create the best version of yourself. Yoga may also be an effective tool to help you lose weight, especially the more active forms of yoga. Especially, during this time when the whole world is suffering from a pandemic, you may feel depressed or demotivated, well, therefore, yoga can keep you upbeat and lively all the way! So, Want to lose weight from Yoga?

And you may find that the awareness gained through a gentle, relaxing yoga practice helps you to lose weight as well. Many experts agree that yoga works in different ways to bring about a healthy weight. So, let’s begin!

Yoga and calorie burning

While yoga isn’t traditionally considered an aerobic exercise, there are certain types of yoga that are more physical than others. Active, intense styles of yoga help you burn the most calories. Hence, this may help prevent weight gain.

Ashtanga, vinyasa, and power yoga are examples of more physical types of yoga. Vinyasa and power yoga are usually offered at hot yoga studios. These types of yoga keep you moving almost constantly, which helps you to burn calories. So, practicing yoga may also help you develop muscle tone and improve your metabolism.

While restorative yoga isn’t an especially physical type of yoga, it still helps in weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in helping overweight women to lose weight, including abdominal fat. These findings are especially promising for people whose body weight may make more vigorous forms of yoga difficult.

A review of studies from 2013 found that yoga is a promising way to help with behavioral change, weight loss, and maintenance by burning calories, heightening mindfulness, and reducing stress. More importantly, these factors may help you to reduce food intake and become aware of the effects of overeating. Thus, it is also backed up by many athletes as well.

How often should you do yoga to lose weight?

Practice yoga as often as possible in order to lose weight. You can do a more active, intense practice at least three to five times per week for at least one hour. On the other days, balance out your practice with a more relaxing, gentle class.

Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga classes are great options. If you’re a beginner, start slowly and gradually build up your practice. This allows you to build up your strength and flexibility and prevent injuries. If you don’t have time for a full class on certain days, do a self-practice for at least 20 minutes.

Allow yourself one full day of rest each week. Combine your yoga practice with activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming for added cardiovascular benefits. As part of your routine, avoid weighing yourself directly after a yoga class, especially if it’s a hot yoga class, since you may lose water weight during the class. Instead, weigh yourself at the same time each day.

Yoga may be intended as a way to calm the mind, but it also is a great way to get in shape and drop some weight. Here are a few postures that can help lower your anxiety and the number on the scale.

Hold each posture as long as you can, that maybe 15-20 seconds at first, but each time you practice, hold the posture for a few seconds longer and make your way up to a minute if you can. Where appropriate do one side and repeat on the opposite side.

15 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss (And a Bonus Pose)

1. Plank

Holding a plank may be one of the best ways to strengthen your core. It may not look like much, but drop into plank and it won’t take long to feel it in your abs. Subtle adjustments can increase the intensity even more.

Losing Weight with Yoga

Energetically draw your heels and the top of your head in opposite directions and keep your chest moving forward between your arms. Do this daily for develop rock-hard abs.

2. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana B)

Like a powerful warrior, you too can tone the muscles in your thighs and shoulders with Warrior II.

To get the most out of the posture, try to bend your front knee so your thigh is parallel to the floor. The longer you can hold this position, the tighter your quads will get.

Losing Weight with Yoga

The secret is to calm the mind and just breathe. Remind yourself, you are a warrior! Now, mighty warrior, switch sides.

3. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana C)

For a more toned butt, Warrior III is the way to go. In addition to toning your back end, it’s also a great way to strengthen your back, legs and arms.To get even more out of it, contract your abs while you hold the position. Not only will it help you balance, but it’ll flatten your belly too. The longer you can hold Warrior III, the more your butt will benefit.

Losing Weight with Yoga
Image Credit: Jeffery Cross

4. Triangle (Trikonasana)

Trikonasana may not make your muscles shake like some other postures, but do it often and your abs will thank you! The twisting motion of trikonasana helps to improve digestion and reduce fat deposits in the belly.

Losing Weight with Yoga

On top of that, by engaging the muscles of the legs and arms, you can build more muscle and burn more fat.

5. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Looking for a way to tone your total body? Well then here it is! With a little extra attention to certain muscles, this asana goes from a resting pose to a radical way to strengthen your arms, back, and thighs.

Losing Weight with Yoga

So, to get the most muscle-toning benefits, engage your thigh muscles as you rotate them inward, and do the same with your upper arms. Continue to press down through your hands and heels. Hold it—and don’t forget to breathe!

6. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

From improving digestion to therapy for the thyroid and even increasing strength, shoulder stand does it all. So, we know why it’s an important part of the body!

More importantly, this inversion works to balance thyroid levels which boosts metabolism, improves the respiratory system, strengthens the upper body, legs, and abs, and helps you sleep better. So, add this to your practice daily and you’ll feel like a whole new person.

Losing Weight with Yoga

7. Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

 We all know, Bridge Pose great for the thyroid, glutes and great for weight loss. Henceforth, the action of reaching your chest toward your chin gently massages the thyroid gland to produce this all-important metabolism-regulating hormone.

Losing Weight with Yoga

Pressing down with your feet engages your thighs and back end to help tone those muscles too. And if you need one more reason to practice Bridge, it also helps stimulate the abdominal organs to keep your digestion happy.

8. Twisted Chair (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

So, call it yoga’s version of a squat—but made just a little bit more intense. Parivritta Utkatasana, or chair pose, works the quads, the glutes, and the abs. And that’s just the muscles.

Losing Weight with Yoga
Image Credit:

The twisting also helps the digestive system and the lymph system. Combine all these into one move and you’ve got a great way to lose weight.

9. Bow (Dhanurasana)

Looking for a way to burn belly fat fast?  Bow pose can help. You can get deeper into the pose by pulling your hands and feet in opposite directions until only your abdomen and pelvis are touching the floor.

Dhanurasana for Weight Loss

Not only does Bow pose help massage the abdominal organs to improve digestion, but it’s also an amazing way to strengthen the thighs, chest and back.

10. Upward plank (Purvottanasana)

This may seem a bit difficult to crack towards the start but the results that this asana yield will leave you much gratified.

This works extensively on your back, shoulders, arms, spine, wrists and fortifies muscles. It is also great for the respiratory system. Therefore, It is great for the core strength of the body as it works on your legs, inner thigh muscles as wells as hips.

Upward Plank for Weight Loss

11.Simhasana (the lion pose)

This asana is known to tone the facial muscles and is a good stress buster too. It is a basic pose, and anyone can do it, irrespective of their age. When you sit in the Lion Pose and stick your tongue out, your facial muscles, along with the thorax and spine, are stretched.

The Lion Pose for Weight Loss

12. Bharadvajasana (Seated Twist Pose)

The asana involves a deep twist and is an intermediary level pose that anyone can easily master with practice. Thus, it improves the natural flexibility of your upper body, improves digestion, and increases shoulders’ flexibility.

Seated Twist Pose for Weight Loss

13. Ardha Matsyendrasana

This pose requires you to move your shoulder, neck, and spine in unison. The intense twist (one side at a time) helps in toning the sides, the upper body, as well as the abdominal muscles.

Ardha Matsyendrasana for Weight Loss

14. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

It is all about stretching your lower body (and organs) like the thighs, intestines, hips, and abdominal muscles. So that you won’t feel cramps!

15. Bonus Pose: Anantasana (Vishnu’s Couch Pose)

This pose tones and firms the abdominal muscles. So, the focus shifts to both the sides of the body while you stretch. This asana improves blood circulation and digestion.

Therefore, If you experience discomfort or stiffness in the neck or hips, consult your doctor before doing this aasan (pose).

Image Credit: One Digital Entertainment

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Comments (2)

  • ideal yoga life Reply

    Yoga is really effective for our body and soul. It works like a miracle. I appreciated you for spreading yoga. Your tips are so amazing that the learner will attractive more. Thanks for an amazing post.

    July 16, 2020 at 3:38 pm
  • Yoga- a way of life - Nuturemite Reply

    […] all must have heard the term “yoga”. Yoga is an ancient practice that has become popular all over the world. Are you a health freak and a […]

    September 16, 2020 at 10:09 pm

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