Diets to Boost Your Brainpower!

Don’t you want to accelerate your brainpower to the fullest? Don’t you ever dream of having full control and dominance over your mind? The brain is the most powerful thing in the world; it was the work of a brain that we have, what we have today from huge missiles to smartphones, from underwater train to fastest aeroplanes, from a pen to a tall building. We definitely want to keep our brain working without any exhaustion and tiring efforts.

A healthy diet to a brain is what a good quality fuel is to a car; it works flawlessly when provided. There are some of the diets that can help keep your brain healthy and sharp for ages. Although recently, according to a new study published in the Alzheimer’s and Dementia journal, a regimen rich with vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish, olive oil, and nuts dramatically reduces one’s risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases later in life. The study suggested people following the Mediterranean Diet had reduced risk of cognitive degeneration.

Though some memory lapses are normal as we age (forgetting where you put the keys, a word at the tip of your tongue that you can’t retrieve). We can keep our mind sharp and reduce the risk of serious memory impairments by focusing on what we eat. Our diet, along with a few other lifestyle factors, can shape the way our brain functions and improve cognitive thinking skills, like our ability to learn something new, absorb important details, problem solve, complete complex tasks, and think critically.

5 Diets For your Brainpower:

1. Dark leafy Greens

These wholesome greens provide important brain-protecting compounds, such as folate, phylloquinone and lutein. In one study that measured leafy green intake over an average of more than 4 ½ years among adults up to 99 years old, researchers found that just a bit over one serving of leafy green veggies per day helped preserve brainpower. The group that met this target had the memory and thinking skills of people 11 years younger! There are so many easy ways to fold these foods into meals. You can have a small side salad at dinner, toss some kale into a protein-packed smoothie, serve sautéed greens along with an egg scramble, and stir into pasta, soups, and stews.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries provide numerous health benefits, including some that are specifically for your brain. These and other deeply coloured berries deliver anthocyanins, a group of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Antioxidants act against both oxidative stress and inflammation, conditions that may contribute to brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Some of the antioxidants in blueberries have been found to accumulate in the brain and help improve communication between brain cells.

Animal studies have shown that blueberries help improve memory and may even delay short-term memory loss. Try sprinkling them on your breakfast cereal or adding them to a smoothie.

3. Fatty fish

 Fatty fish are abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy unsaturated fats that have been linked to lower blood levels of beta-amyloid—the protein that forms damaging clumps in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Try to eat fish at least twice a week, but choose varieties that are low in mercury, such as salmon, cod, canned light tuna, and pollack.

4. Walnuts

Nuts are excellent sources of protein and healthy fats, and one type of nut in particular might also improve memory. A 2015 study linked higher walnut consumption to improved cognitive test scores. Walnuts are high in a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which helps lower blood pressure and protects arteries. That’s good for both the heart and brain.

5. Broccoli

As well as being a low-calorie source of dietary fibre, broccoli may be good for the brain. Broccoli is rich in compounds called glucosinolates. When the body breaks these down, they produce isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates may reduce oxidative stress and lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Broccoli also contains vitamin C and flavonoids, and these antioxidants can further boost a person’s brain health.


Many foods can help keep our brain healthy. Some foods, such as the fruits and vegetables in this list, as well as tea and coffee, have antioxidants that help protect your brain from damage. Others, such as nuts and eggs, contain nutrients that support memory and brain development.

We can help support our brain health and boost our alertness, memory and mood by strategically including these foods in our diet. Nuturemite’s own supplements for weight loss and a healthy diet are here! Harvard Medical School also believes these foods link in increasing the brainpower:


Diets to boost brainpower
Image Credit: Harvard Health

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