Pre pregnancy

Ovarian Cyst: Meaning and Symptoms.

In this article, you'll learn about the most common problem faced by women i.e., cyst. Yet there is very little awareness about this disease. Nuturemite always tries to come up with the best information regarding health, nutrition, and fitness.  An ovarian cyst is very common among young women. People are not...


Acupressure for period crams.

Acupressure is a traditional massage practice that was originated from China and Vedic medical practices. In this, the practitioner applies a certain amount of pressure at the target points where the patient is feeling pain or experiencing a lack of blood flow. This techniques or medical practice is useful in curing...



Nuturemite is consistently bringing forward knowledge associated with women's health and health awareness. This blog is all about period tips. What a woman or a lady should do during her periods and what things she has to avoid considering their effects on her body and mind likewise. ensure to read till the end to understand what you were doing wrong during that menstrual week. Here I've...


Exercises that will help you to have a vaginal delivery.

Pregnancy is indeed a blessing but it comes with intense pain that no one can even explain in words. Every woman who had experienced vaginal delivery says that, at the moment of labor you just want to get over it as soon as possible. In a study, it is stated...


Do’s and don’ts for vaginal delivery.

You've heard of natural delivery and its pros over any other method. Most women desire to deliver their first baby through vaginal delivery or we say it as natural delivery. But there is so much you need to know before going for it. Natural birth is indeed best for both...


Hair and sleeping techniques after C-section for recovery.

Recovery from a C-section can take a long time period from vaginal birth. But by taking care of yourself and by following the right recovery methods, you can regain your strength and health more quickly. A C-section is abdominal surgery. Your body asks an adequate amount of time to heal from...


Things you need to know before going for C-section.

Are you going to be a life-giver? Are you also on this precious phase of your life? Do you also want to know about C-section? Then you are at the right place!  Animated image of a c-section delivery. Pregnancy comes with lots of challenges. It is no easy job to...


Recovery after going through a C-section.

Many women undergo a C-section surgery for delivery. But most of them don’t have any knowledge of after results. Many surveys prove that recovery from a C-section can take more than 4 weeks. A mother delivering baby through c-section surgery Proper knowledge about the recovery from the surgery is very important. If...


Traditional Indian practices to follow for a healthy child.

Do you also wonder about the ways followed by Indians to have a healthy child? You are at the right place for your answers to have a healthy child. India is a country of beliefs. Here believing in the positive side is what brings the actual change. India has a history...


Child diet and suffering due to malnutrition and nutritional factors.

Child diet and mother health care are 2 most least focused health issues. Both mother's and child's nutritional care are very important. It is very necessary to make the young generation very healthy for a Nation to stand strong. And for that having knowledge about the related nutritional factors is...