Tag - Anti-Inflammatory

Mangosteen, its uses, side effects, and the recipes with it

Mangosteen is a reddish or dark purple fruit with white, juicy flesh, which is popular in Thailand. People even call it the queen of fruits because of its exquisite taste that has the notes of ripe strawberry, a fragrant peach, and creamy vanilla ice cream.  The plant of the mangosteen...


Chico as an energy provider, rich sources of vitamins used for various health benefits

Chico, also known as chikoo, sapodilla, sapota popular tropical fruit in line with mango, banana, jackfruit, etc. Sapota comprises of soft, easily digestible pulp made of simple sugars like fructose and sucrose. Sapote thought to have originated in the Central American rain forests, probably in Mexico and Belize. Thus, today,...