Tag - #drinks

12 Ways Drinking Whiskey Helps you – Weight Loss and Many More

Beer bellies, drunken munchies, empty calories; We've heard it all. But pop the champagne corks, because there's another side to it. Scientific studies suggest that there are several ways alcohol can actually help you keep the pounds off. We will discuss today the several untold benefits of whiskey! First, there's moderate...


Wine for Weight Loss: Wine, Dine, and Shed Pounds

Wine, and especially red wine, has been studied extensively. Evidence suggests that moderate consumption may help people live longer; protect against certain cancers, improve mental health, and enhance heart health. So, we can definitely use wine for weight loss! So far you may have been told that if you want to...


How to remain cautious about the effects of the irregular intake of food

Eating abnormal food can lead to a higher chance of type 2 diabetes, high blood strain, and weight problems, in keeping with new studies. Researchers say eating at exceptional times may want to affect the inner frame clock – otherwise called 'circadian rhythms', which normally follows a 24-hour cycle. The valuable clock is regulated...


Are you aware of your food timings?

Eating food might also sound quite simple in itself however it's the easy errors we make that make a massive distinction. It is crucial to remember that almost about consuming; the timing of food is the vital factor. Morning Don’t skip breakfast. Reporting inside the American Heart Association magazine Circulation, Harvard School...