Tag - #pregnant

37th Week of Pregnancy: Baby is the size of Canary Melon

After the 37th week of Pregnancy, it is just 3 weeks to go when you will have your baby in your cuddles. This time you might not feel so easy. You would be suffering from many pains and may have swellings in different parts of the body. But be brave,...


Losing Weight After Pregnancy- A healthy Approach

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to a mother in her entire life passage. Of course, it is a beautiful feeling and gift to the Father and the entire family but what a mother goes through in pregnancy is unparalleled and unmeasurable. With the hope...


30th Week of Pregnancy: Take a tour to know more

source: (WhatToExpect) Mom, your baby is growing. She is almost 3 pounds and still about 16 inches long. She will be piling on weight rapidly from this 30th week of pregnancy. Changes that appear in your baby: Your baby starts to kick. So keep a count on the number of kicks she made....


Alfalfa: Health benefits, nutritional facts, and recipes

Alfalfa is an important foraging crop in countries around the world and sometimes goes by the name Lucerne in Europe and other countries. It was originally cultivated in south-Central Asia, it has now become a globally recognized crop due to its impressive nutritional content and its versatility in use. It...