Tag - pregnant women

Losing Weight After Pregnancy- A healthy Approach

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to a mother in her entire life passage. Of course, it is a beautiful feeling and gift to the Father and the entire family but what a mother goes through in pregnancy is unparalleled and unmeasurable. With the hope...


Does green tea really work for weight loss??

Weight loss is everyone’s dream, to fit in decent clothes, look upright in tight-fitting clothes, and never get rejected by someone due to the fat belly hanging outside our body and whatnot. We tend to try everything and anything that seems doable to us at that very moment, some of...


15 Weight Loss Tips Every Girl Needs to Know

Diet and exercise may be key components of weight loss for women, but many other factors play a role. In fact, studies show that everything from sleep quality to stress levels can have a major impact on hunger, metabolism, body weight, and belly fat. Today we'll discuss the weight loss...


30th Week of Pregnancy: Take a tour to know more

source: (WhatToExpect) Mom, your baby is growing. She is almost 3 pounds and still about 16 inches long. She will be piling on weight rapidly from this 30th week of pregnancy. Changes that appear in your baby: Your baby starts to kick. So keep a count on the number of kicks she made....


Tangerine: 16 beneficial ways To use It For health maintenance

The Tangerine is a Citrus fruit and is regarded as one of the varieties of orange (Mandarin Oranges). This tasty and refreshing fruit is packed with nutritious health-promoting compounds that contribute to the health of an individual. The Citrus tangerine originated from China. It is presently grown in many other...


Boysenberry: Health Benefits, Side Effects, And Fun Facts

Boysenberry is a cross of raspberry, blackberry, and loganberry. It is a perishable fruit, which decays in two to three days. This fruit is every health-conscious people’s delight and good for people, who keep a tab on their calories. Like all the berries even boysenberry has the right amount of...