Tag - skin

Peach: For a healthy nervous system, heart, hemostasis, etc.

Peach is juicy and versatile summer fruit that are native to China and South Asia. Peaches belong to the family of Rosaceae, which includes fruits like plums and cherries. Unlike nectarines, which have a smooth outer surface, peaches have fuzzy, velvety skin. They have a delicate aroma and a juicy,...


Kumquat: 10 beneficial Health Benefits And More

Kumquat is a delicious and nutritious citrus fruit that you likely haven’t heard of before. Kumquats possess either a yellow or orange hue, resembling small, oval oranges with a sweet yet tangy flavor and a hint of bitterness. What sets kumquats apart from citruses, however, is the fact that both...


Coconut: A drupe with beneficial uses as a whole

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCiFmLAL_kI Coconut is a member of the palm family and is botanically, a drupe. No other fruit is as versatile as coconut. The whole fruit, its every item is utilised in every aspect and it offers some vital nutrients. It is mostly grown in the tropical areas and is thought to...