Tag - vaginal delivery

Exercises that will help you to have a vaginal delivery.

Pregnancy is indeed a blessing but it comes with intense pain that no one can even explain in words. Every woman who had experienced vaginal delivery says that, at the moment of labor you just want to get over it as soon as possible. In a study, it is stated...


Do’s and don’ts for vaginal delivery.

You've heard of natural delivery and its pros over any other method. Most women desire to deliver their first baby through vaginal delivery or we say it as natural delivery. But there is so much you need to know before going for it. Natural birth is indeed best for both...


Everything you need to know about pregnancy stretch marks.

If you are a new mother now and if you overcome those pregnancy and c-section challenges and stretch marks. Then congratulations to you. You've just crossed one of the most challenging phases of a women's life. And much energy to all those mothers who are going to experience the most...