WEEK 3: Pregnancy Guide

WEEK 3: Pregnancy Guide

Doctors say that it’s too early to confirm if you are pregnant at this stage. The third week of pregnancy is marked by a remarkable transformation inside your body. They advise it’s better to wait another week or so before pregnancy tests can be done.

Changes during week 3 of pregnancy:

Some women might experience some light vaginal bleeding or spotting when your egg implants which many women mistake this as a period. Please consult your doctor if the bleeding is heavy or if you experience abdominal pain or even mild cramping on just one side.

Baby at week 3 of pregnancy:

By week 3, your early stage baby exists as a tiny collection of about several hundred cells that are dividing rapidly and will continue to develop over the course of the coming weeks and months. The outer cells develop into the placenta which supplies nutrition to your baby and provides other functions and the inner cells develop into the foetus. The embryo is tiny at this stage no bigger than the head of a pin.

Symptoms during week 3 of pregnancy:

  1. Nausea
  2. Unusual tiredness
  3. Frequent urination.

Do you require ultrasound during week 3?

Week 3 of pregnancy is too early for an ultrasound. In most of the countries, the first scan of a pregnant women takes place between weeks 8 and 14. It’s usually followed by another scan at 18-21 weeks.

Lifestyle that need to be followed during week 3:

  1. Take a folic acid supplement of 400 mcg per day until week 12. After that the      dosage will increase.
  2. Consume a healthy diet. Make sure this includes a variety of fruits and      vegetables and try to minimize foods that are high in sugar and fat.

Week 3 checklist:

  1. Take a pregnancy test as soon as you miss your period.
  2. If your test is positive go and talk to your doctor.
  3. Take your health care providers advice about diet and supplements during pregnancy.

Food that should be eaten during week 3 of pregnancy:

Healthy pregnancy diet plan:

It is a time for the mother to be to focus on being as healthy as she can because that care will translate to her baby in utero. Establishing healthy habits will now set a positive example that will benefit the child over his or her lifetime.

A well balanced micro-nutrient diet is the key to a healthy pregnancy. A well-balanced diet should contain the following:

  1. Carbohydrates from whole grain sources and fruits and vegetables,
  2. Protein from beans, nuts, seeds and hormone free animal products like meat and dairy,
  3. Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados and the fats that occur in nuts, seeds and fish.

Pregnant women need more iron, folic acid, calcium, zinc, iodine and vitamin D. Malnutrition increases the risk of having a low birth weight baby or going into preterm labour. Pregnant women need the following daily:

  1. Folic Acid:

Folic acid is also known as folate. It is a B vitamin that is crucial in helping to prevent birth defects in the baby’s brain and spinal cord known as neural tube defects.

Doctors recommend that women who are trying to have a baby should take a daily vitamin supplement containing 400 micro-grams of folic acid per day for at-least one month before becoming pregnant. During pregnancy they advise women to increase the amount of folic acid to 600 micro-grams a day.

Food sources: green leafy vegetables, cereals, breads and pastas, beans, citrus fruits.

  • Calcium:

This mineral is used to build a baby’s bones and teeth.

Food sources: milk, yogurt, cheese, calcium fortified juices.

  • Iron:

Pregnant women need 27 milligrams of iron a day, which is double the amount needed by women who are not expecting. Consuming too little iron during pregnancy can lead to anemia, a condition resulting in fatigue and an increased risk of infections.

Food sources: Poultry, fish, dried beans and peas, iron-fortified cereal.


More protein is needed during pregnancy and it is described as “builder nutrient” Because it helps to build important organs for the baby such as the brain and heart.

Food sources: Meat, fish, dried beans and peas, eggs, nuts etc.

Below mentioned food products needs to be consumed for healthy pregnancy:

  1. Milk and other milk products:

Include foods such as whole milk or skimmed milk, yogurt, buttermilk, cheese, paneer. All these food items are rich sources of protein, calcium and vitamin B12.

  • Pulses, Dals, Cereals, Nuts and whole grains:

If you are a vegetarian, include pulses, dals, cereals, nuts and whole grains in your everyday diet as your body requires a good amount of protein.

  • Fruits and vegetables:

Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as your body requires good amount of fiber.

  • Liquids:

Drink as much as water and liquids throughout the day as your body needs to be hydrated all the time.

Foods that should be avoided during pregnancy:

Avoiding the below mentioned foods will keep you and your baby healthy.

  1. Fish containing mercury:

Fish such as shark, tile fish contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is an element which is found in oceans, lakes etc which converts into methyl mercury in the human body. It is a neurotoxin which leads to brain damage and development delays in babies.

  • Raw or under-cooked eggs:

Raw or under-cooked eggs should not be consumed as they contain harmful salmonella bacteria, which causes food poisoning. You may also suffer from diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain etc.

  • Unpasteurized milk:

It is not safe to drink unpasteurized milk or raw milk as it contains harmful bacteria called salmonella which can be dangerous to you and your baby.

  • Unwashed fruits and vegetables:

Unwashed fruits and vegetables contain toxoplasma parasite which harms the developing baby.

  • Excess caffeine:

Higher amount of caffeine could increase the chances of miscarriage and low birth weight babies. Other drinks which can be avoided are soft drinks, diet soda, alcohol, iced tea.

  • Sugar rich foods:

Cut down on sugar rich foods such as desserts, candies, cakes, ice creams, sweetened beverages. They worsen pregnancy discomforts, increase weight, increase gestational diabetes etc.

Benefits of playing music during pregnancy:

The foetus develops the ears in the third week of gestation but they won’t become functional until the week 16. Foetus can actively listen by week 24. High stress levels in expectant mothers can cause negative effect on both the mother and baby. Music and singing can cause soothing effect on both the mother and the baby and can lead healthy and happy baby later in life. Singing along with the music helps to develop better bonding between the mother and the baby.

Listening to all kind of music encourages early brain development in the baby.


  1. Don’t play music continuously.
  2. Don’t play the music too loud as it might disturb the baby.

How to manage morning sickness during first 3 months of pregnancy?

Nausea can occur at any time of the day. But morning sickness usually settles after first 3 months. To manage morning sickness, try the below mentioned tips:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  2. Get fresh air and avoid the smell of food which triggers the nausea.
  3. Eat little and often. Having an empty stomach might even worsen the situation.

If your sickness continues even after 3 months and if you are finding difficulty in having the food please consult your doctor immediately.

Drugs that should be avoided during pregnancy:

  1. Chloramphenicol:

This is an antibiotic that’s usually given in the form of infection. This drug can cause serious blood disorders and gravy baby syndrome.

  • Ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin:

These two are also types of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. These drugs cause problems with baby’s muscle and skeletal growth as well as joint pain and potential nerve damage in the mother. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics also increase the chances of having a miscarriage.

  • Sulphonamides:

These are a group of antibiotic medications. They are also known as sulpha drugs. They are used to kill germs and treat bacterial infections. They can cause jaundice in new-borns. They can also increase the chances of having a miscarriage.

  • prim sol:

This is also a type of antibiotic. This can cause neural tube defects if consumed during pregnancy. These defects affect brain development in a developing baby.

  • Codeine:

This is a prescription drug which is used to relieve pain. It can lead to withdrawal symptoms in new-borns.

  • Ibuprofen:

This can cause serious problems such as miscarriage, delayed onset of labour, jaundice, foetal kernicterus (type of brain damage) etc.

Seasonal pregnancy care:

Summer – Maternity clothes have come a long way nowadays and should be whole wholeheartedly opted for. Make sure you buy clothes that cool you off by making you look and feel great.

Monsoon – Keep your skin hydrated at all times and bathe daily to fight against high humidity levels in monsoon. Apply homemade creams, rose water and soothing oils and lotions to the areas where you might feel you are getting stretch marks.

Winter – Eat a fruit rich diet as it helps in developing a robust immunity level. Keep yourself hydrated enough by drinking healthy liquids such as water, homemade soups and green teas. Stay away from drinking too much coffees, black teas etc.

Eat food that have right amounts of vitamins and minerals.

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  • WEEK4: Pregnancy Guide - Nuturemite Reply

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    April 22, 2020 at 5:59 pm

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