Week 4 of pregnancy:

Week 4 of pregnancy:

4 weeks of pregnancy

During week 4 of pregnancy the ball of cells is splitting into the embryo and placenta.Some women experience those early symptoms such as mood swings, bloating, cramping, hormonal changes ,fragrance sensitivity etc.

Pregnant belly:

Belly might be a little bloated but you don’t look like pregnant.You should start taking care of yourself and your baby.

Baby at 4 weeks of pregnancy:

At this stage the embryos are the size of the poppy seeds.They consist of 2 layers of cells which will later develop into organs.By the end of week 4 your baby will be approximately 0.08 inch long.

During this important phase of your pregnancy the embryo grows and develops within the lining of the uterus.The outer cells form links with your blood supply while the inner cells form 3 separate layers:

babys development

1.The inner layer becomes the lungs,stomach,gastrointestinal system and bladder.
2.The middle layer becomes the heart,blood vessels,muscles and bones.
3.The outer layer becomes the brain and nervous system.

During the first part of this stage of pregnancy,the embryo draws nourishment from a small yolk sac.During this week the baby’s face starts to form.This includes large dark circles for eyes,mouth,lower jaw and throat.Blood cells start to form and the circulation begins.

Ultrasound at 4th week of pregnancy:

During 4th week ultrasound,you would witness a small black gestational sac within the uterus lining.In the 4th week ,the gestational sac looks like a tiny black dot.You might also note that the embryo or the baby at 4 weeks is just like the size of the poppy seeds which is practically microscopic.

4 week of pregnancy diet:

Your diet should contain a wide variety of foods from all the recommended food groups including a mixture of fresh fruit and vegetables whenever possible.You should also drink 6 to 8 ounce glasses of water everyday.Drinking enough fluids also can help you fight fatigue and possible constipation.

You need around 300 extra calories per day to provide for your baby.

Choose water or nutritious drinks such as skim milk or whole fruit juices.

Vegetarians need to focus on foods which are rich in protein.In addition to this iron,vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplements are also recommended.

Exercise during 4 weeks of pregnancy:

At 4 week of pregnancy regular exercise will continue to strengthen your body.This will help your body become better prepared to contribute to the health of your baby.However donot start exercising until your doctor gives you permission after your first prenatal appointment.

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