Holistic Diet for Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Holistic Diet for Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Congratulations mommy-to-be! You are in your third trimester of pregnancy i.e. the last leg of pregnancy and you will get to fondle your baby in your arms soon. You still have a few months to continue with your healthy diet for a healthy delivery and a healthy baby.

We have curated the list of nutritious foods to include and the foods to avoid during the third trimester of pregnancy. Say hello to vitamins, iron, minerals, zinc, DHA and folic acid and bye-bye to alcohol.

Third trimester of pregnancy

Foods Rich in Iron

In your last trimester pregnancy diet, you can include meat, dairy products, eggs, wheat bran and beans.

Iron is an important nutrient during pregnancy as its deficiency could lead to anaemia making you feel very tired and dizzy. Its deficiency can also lead to a lot of blood loss during delivery.

It is required for the improved volume of blood to help in a stable stream of nutrients to the foetus. It also has a major role in the proper growth and development of the baby.

Dark leafy greens

include chulai, Sarson, methi, and other dark green leaves in the diet. Consume them twice or thrice a week.


black channa or bengal gram, mung beans cowpea, soybean or lobia,


watermelon, raisins, strawberries, and dates

Vitamin C rich foods

Vegetarians or vegans should include some vitamin C rich foods like Indian gooseberry, citrus fruits like orange, lemons, sweet lime, and malta.

Eggs and meat

Non-vegetarians can include some amount of eggs, chicken and mutton in their diet to help in increasing their iron or haemoglobin levels.

Iron rich foods

Foods Rich in Protein

Your body will require around 70 grams of protein during the third trimester of pregnancy as it aids in the development of your baby’s body. Including protein-rich foods in your diet chart will ensure that your blood glucose level remains constant and the risk of diabetes is minimal. You can eat foods like tofu, legumes, fish, and meat. 


You can add a cup of milk or curd to your regular diet. You can try making delicious milkshakes, smoothies, raita, lassi and custard. Similarly, are some delicious ways to include curd in your diet.

Beans and pulses

Try bean sprouts salad, dhokla, besan ka cheela,  and boiled black chana chaat.


If you’re fond of eggs, then have them thrice a week as boiled eggs, Frankies, omelettes or pancakes.


Indulge in some fish, chicken and mutton kebabs or even try tandoori varieties.

Foods Rich in DHA during the third trimester of pregnancy

DHA-rich foods help in the development of the baby’s brain during pregnancy. 200 milligrams intake of DHA is recommended daily. You can add milk, eggs, and fruits in your diet to meet the DHA requirement.




Foods Rich in Folic Acid

Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables like spinach and– you can include these in your third-trimester diet. Adding folic-acid rich foods in the diet will ensure good foetal development and reduce the risk of low-birth-weight of your baby.

Apart from eating spinach and lettuce, you can even include folic acid, beans, and citrus fruits.


black chana, mung, green leafy vegetables like spinach, romaine lettuce, chulai and mint

Fruits and Vegetables

Green beans, oranges (citrus fruits) and tomatoes are great sources of this vitamin. A salad of boiled chana with mint chutney and tomatoes is the perfect dish to meet the daily requirement.

Foods Rich in Calcium

You should include around 800 mg of calcium for the development of your baby’s bones during the third trimester of your pregnancy.

Increasing the amount of calcium-rich foods in your diet helps in teeth and bone mineralization of the baby. Inadequate calcium in your diet can lead to demineralization (weakening) of your bones.

  • Dairy products like curd, cheese, tofu, yogurt, lassi, and buttermilk.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds and ragi flour.
  • Add fishes too in the diet after consulting your gynaecologist.

Zinc-rich foods during the third trimester of pregnancy

Zinc helps in normal growth of genetic material. This micronutrient is essential for complications free delivery as well. Its deficit may result in congenital malformations and abnormal deliveries. Best zinc sources are shellfish, oysters, beans, soya, nuts, eggs and dairy products.

Iodine during the third trimester of pregnancy

Iodine is essential for the physical and mental development of the foetus. It is advised to only use iodized salt during pregnancy to meet iodine requirements.

Vitamin K during the third trimester of pregnancy

Vitamin K helps in regular blood coagulation or clotting. This Vitamin helps prevent bleeding or haemorrhage during delivery. although its natural form is injected to the mother, adding Vitamin K rich foods in your diet would always be helpful both to mother and the baby. Some of the good sources of this vitamin are cabbage, spring onion, broccoli, Brussel’s sprouts, spinach, fermented soy, prunes and dairy products.

Vitamin C, B6 and B12 during the third trimester of pregnancy

These vitamins play an important role in the growth of a baby through the musculature and placental development. Some good sources of Vitamin C, B6 and B12 are oranges, sweet lime, bananas, chickpeas, carrots, and almonds.

What to Avoid in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Avoid these foods in your third-trimester pregnancy diet chart:

Raw Vegetables

Raw veggies or uncooked veggies can result in a gas problem, hence cook your vegetables well.


You can avoid eating salty foods such as potato chips and french fries during this trimester.

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can lead to heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy, hence they should be avoided in the last trimester. So, maintain social distancing from momos and paani-puri.

So plan out your pregnancy diet chart including all these nutritious foods this quarantine. Stay home, stay safe!

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