
Gallstones: Meaning, Types, Symptoms and Causes.

Gallstones are so commonly observed sort of disease, nowadays especially in the youth. It comes in the topmost of recorded problems among people age 25 to 40 in India. The cases of gallstones have grown with remarkable numbers in the past years. Its symptoms are so common which makes sense...


Juniper berry: An oxidative stress relaxant, antiseptic, antioxidant

Juniper berry actually isn’t a berry at all. They are female seed cones that come juniper plants — a type of conifer (Pinophyta), which is a cone-bearing plant or tree. Their uniquely fleshy, merged scales make them look like a berry, thus the name. Benefits of juniper berry 1. Relieve oxidative stress...


Blackberry: Health Benefits, Side effects, Fun Facts and Recipes

Blackberry is a delicious and versatile fruit closely related to raspberry and dewberry. Native to the Northern temperate areas of the globe, blackberry has been honored as the official fruit of the state of Alabama and is found copiously in North America and the Pacific coast. Ancient cultures perceived the...


Avocados Nutritional Facts – The World’s Healthiest Food Proven Health Benefits

Avocados are considered a “superfood” and are rich in various nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Avocados, the most beneficial when eaten raw, and of greater importance for keeping up health when incorporated into a balanced and healthy diet. They have numerous health benefits, both as a food and as an addition...


Vegan Diet during Pregnancy, safe or not!!

From the last few years the trend of adopting Vegan Lifestyle has become popular. More women are choosing to adopt this lifestyle even in their pregnancy. Vegan diets include only plant based products such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes. This diet strictly excludes all animal products like meat, milk...


Diets to Boost Your Brainpower!

Don’t you want to accelerate your brainpower to the fullest? Don’t you ever dream of having full control and dominance over your mind? The brain is the most powerful thing in the world; it was the work of a brain that we have, what we have today from huge missiles...


10 Healthy Recipes to Eat the Rainbow (Highly Refined In Nutrition)

Everyone knows that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is very important because it ensures you get a wide variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and more. But when you combine all of that to produce into one dish, it's even more colorful and fun to get the good...


Beauty boosting fruit-rich diet (a healthy secret)

Fruits are the natural way of providing fast food. They don't need to be cooked although some can be if you want to. The fruits are not only delicious and satisfy your sweet tooth, but they also offer numerous benefits for skin, and hair. The fruits are the storehouses of...


12 Ways Drinking Whiskey Helps you – Weight Loss and Many More

Beer bellies, drunken munchies, empty calories; We've heard it all. But pop the champagne corks, because there's another side to it. Scientific studies suggest that there are several ways alcohol can actually help you keep the pounds off. We will discuss today the several untold benefits of whiskey! First, there's moderate...


15 Weight Loss Tips Every Girl Needs to Know

Diet and exercise may be key components of weight loss for women, but many other factors play a role. In fact, studies show that everything from sleep quality to stress levels can have a major impact on hunger, metabolism, body weight, and belly fat. Today we'll discuss the weight loss...