Tag - #pregnancy

Vegan Diet during Pregnancy, safe or not!!

From the last few years the trend of adopting Vegan Lifestyle has become popular. More women are choosing to adopt this lifestyle even in their pregnancy. Vegan diets include only plant based products such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes. This diet strictly excludes all animal products like meat, milk...


37th Week of Pregnancy: Baby is the size of Canary Melon

After the 37th week of Pregnancy, it is just 3 weeks to go when you will have your baby in your cuddles. This time you might not feel so easy. You would be suffering from many pains and may have swellings in different parts of the body. But be brave,...


Will Stretch Marks fade after weight loss? : Busting the Myths!

Staying fit and healthy has been everyone’s dream. Everyone wants to have the least amount of fat percentage possible in their body so that their hot abs can clearly be seen from a distance! Some get their results sooner while some of them later. But there are a lot of...