Beverages and Breakfast

Diets to Boost Your Brainpower!

Don’t you want to accelerate your brainpower to the fullest? Don’t you ever dream of having full control and dominance over your mind? The brain is the most powerful thing in the world; it was the work of a brain that we have, what we have today from huge missiles...


7 Healthy summer recipes that will keep you in shape

Heading towards the midst of the year there comes an inescapable scorching summer that demands changes in your diet to keep you fit. There comes a super healthy and delicious summer recipes that will keep you in shape and hydrated. 1. Strawberry banana smoothie: This is the perfect way to get summer...


15 Healthy Snacks- Healthy and Helps you Lose Weight

You may wonder if it’s possible to lose weight while not giving up snacks. If you choose healthy, whole-food options with a lot of protein and nutrients, snacks can be integral to weight loss. Some can even help keep you full throughout the day and limit your cravings for unhealthy...


15 Weight Loss Tips Every Girl Needs to Know

Diet and exercise may be key components of weight loss for women, but many other factors play a role. In fact, studies show that everything from sleep quality to stress levels can have a major impact on hunger, metabolism, body weight, and belly fat. Today we'll discuss the weight loss...


Wine for Weight Loss: Wine, Dine, and Shed Pounds

Wine, and especially red wine, has been studied extensively. Evidence suggests that moderate consumption may help people live longer; protect against certain cancers, improve mental health, and enhance heart health. So, we can definitely use wine for weight loss! So far you may have been told that if you want to...


Weight Loss Diet for Vegetarians

Vegetarianism has become increasingly popular in recent years. This diet is associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases and may aid weight loss. However, you may find it difficult to lose weight on a vegetarian diet — especially if you’re eating too many refined carbs or highly processed foods....


Cornflakes: Nutritional facts, recipes, and health benefits

Cornflakes are made from milled corn, malt flavoring, and sugar. They are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Corn flakes have a crunchy texture and they soften when soaked in milk. They are one of the most commonly used breakfast cereals in many countries including the US. Cornflakes are actually the...


Grapefruit parfait: Recipe for Healthy grapefruit parfait

Source: Huffington Grapefruit parfait: Prep Time: 5 mins  Total Time: 5 mins  Yield: 1 INGREDIENTS for making Grapefruit parfait 2/3 cup plain or vanilla Greek yogurt 1 small grapefruit 1 tsp honey (more if you like it sweet!) 2 tbsp sliced almonds INSTRUCTIONS Segment the grapefruit with a sharp knife, so you have grapefruit flesh without the pith. The goal...


Grapefruit green smoothie: Recipe for Grapefruit green smoothie

Grapefruit green smoothie With temperatures rising, you may end up going after your blender significantly more regularly. We realize we are! Smoothies are an incredible method to get in your day by day supplements, remain hydrated and chill off. In any case, on the off chance that you wish to take...