
Delhi pollution and covid-19: Precautions and safety.

With the rise of air pollution in Delhi, it has become highly problematic for the people who are suffering from lung diseases. Ironically, the patients who are suffering from covid-19 are more on the dangerous side due to this pollution.  Delhi pollution. The adverse impact of air pollution is very well known...


Precautions to take in Delhi pollution.

Nuturemite always comes up with a topic related to real-life scenarios to provide our audience with the latest information in society. That includes nutrition, health, lifestyle, women, men, children, and many more categories. Today's blog is all about the precautions in Delhi during pollution. We'll discuss discuss about what precautions...


Delayed Speech in child: causes, symptoms and treatments.

Every child starts adapting to the general development habits at their own pace. They learn according to their own will. But in some cases, the child is not talking as much as most children of the same age. The problem may be speech delay.  A speech is when a child is...


Exercises that will help you to have a vaginal delivery.

Pregnancy is indeed a blessing but it comes with intense pain that no one can even explain in words. Every woman who had experienced vaginal delivery says that, at the moment of labor you just want to get over it as soon as possible. In a study, it is stated...


Do’s and don’ts for vaginal delivery.

You've heard of natural delivery and its pros over any other method. Most women desire to deliver their first baby through vaginal delivery or we say it as natural delivery. But there is so much you need to know before going for it. Natural birth is indeed best for both...


Best exercises for C-section recovery.

C-section delivery is a serious delivery surgery done by doctors. Recovery from this surgery is not so easy. It takes time, emotions, and patience. You have to be careful with everything after c-section. Here you are going to learn about some of the best exercises for recovery after going through...



Before getting into the remedies and healing techniques, it's better to know a bit about after pregnancy stretch marks. Well if you want to know about everything related to pregnancy stretch marks then you can read my full blog which covers every possible reason behind stretch marks. But if you...


Everything you need to know about pregnancy stretch marks.

If you are a new mother now and if you overcome those pregnancy and c-section challenges and stretch marks. Then congratulations to you. You've just crossed one of the most challenging phases of a women's life. And much energy to all those mothers who are going to experience the most...


Hair and sleeping techniques after C-section for recovery.

Recovery from a C-section can take a long time period from vaginal birth. But by taking care of yourself and by following the right recovery methods, you can regain your strength and health more quickly. A C-section is abdominal surgery. Your body asks an adequate amount of time to heal from...


Things you need to know before going for C-section.

Are you going to be a life-giver? Are you also on this precious phase of your life? Do you also want to know about C-section? Then you are at the right place!  Animated image of a c-section delivery. Pregnancy comes with lots of challenges. It is no easy job to...