Sea Food

The vegan diet- an appropriate diet for all age groups

source: slide serve What is the vegan diet? What has made it so popular these days? If these questions have started guarding your castle too, then you are in the right place. So, as we can make out from the sound of the word vegan, it has been derived from the...


Korean’s Skin Secret-Nothing but a Healthy Diet.

Beauty comes from within-stay healthy-stay-beautiful-follow the secret of korean's skin. Koreans are known for their glowing skin. There might be no one who wants to know Korean's skin secret and get glowing flawless skin in today’s world. Korean skin type is a desire of most of the women as they have...


The top benefits, nutritional values, Uses and storage of Squid

Squid, or conjointly called squid, could be a helpful power-house that's typically neglected by some individuals. This shellfish is that the secret key to straightforward healthy living. Squid could be a weirdly-shaped shellfish that has been a staple in kitchens for several years. It’s tentacles, a chewy flesh and it squirts a black ink once it feels vulnerable. Calamari...


The top benefits, nutritional values, Uses and storage of Shrimps

The term “shrimp” may be a broad classification of anyone of many tiny crustacean species which will be found throughout the globe in marine habitats and are ingested by cultures across the world. Shrimp are decapods crustaceans from one among 2 teams, Caridea and Dendrobranchiata, though some educational students disagree regarding the location of bound varieties of shrimp inside those classifications....


The top benefits, nutritional values, Uses and storage of Scallops

Scallops are a kind of shellfish devoured everywhere the globe. They sleep in seawater environments and are caught in fisheries off the coasts of various countries. The supposed skeletal muscle muscles within their colorful shells are edible and oversubscribed as food. Once ready properly, they need a rather sweet style and a young, buttery...


The top benefits, nutritional values, Uses and storage of Prawns

Prawn scientifically referred to as Aristaeomorpha foliacea is crustaceans that are similar in look to shrimps, however they'll be notable by the gill structure that is branching in prawns and not in shrimp. The prawn is additionally associated with the crab and also the lobster. It’s truly a standard name for little aquatic crustaceans...


The top benefits, nutritional values, Uses and storage of Oysters

Oysters are a sort of bivalve mollusks that are eaten by cultures throughout the planet. There are multiple styles of oysters, a number of that primarily produce pearls; these don't seem to be usually consumed by folks, however, the variability of oysters bearing the scientific surname of mollusk family are eaten as a delicacy....