
Ovarian Cyst: Meaning and Symptoms.

In this article, you'll learn about the most common problem faced by women i.e., cyst. Yet there is very little awareness about this disease. Nuturemite always tries to come up with the best information regarding health, nutrition, and fitness.  An ovarian cyst is very common among young women. People are not...


Gallstones: Meaning, Types, Symptoms and Causes.

Gallstones are so commonly observed sort of disease, nowadays especially in the youth. It comes in the topmost of recorded problems among people age 25 to 40 in India. The cases of gallstones have grown with remarkable numbers in the past years. Its symptoms are so common which makes sense...


Overcome premature aging: cause and solution.

Nuturemite is here with another informational article for you all pretty ladies. You all are beautiful and will always be. But do you know that you can reverse your premature aging process? Yes, you read it right. By following some basic steps you can remain young forever (both mentally and...


Delhi pollution and covid-19: Precautions and safety.

With the rise of air pollution in Delhi, it has become highly problematic for the people who are suffering from lung diseases. Ironically, the patients who are suffering from covid-19 are more on the dangerous side due to this pollution.  Delhi pollution. The adverse impact of air pollution is very well known...


Precautions to take in Delhi pollution.

Nuturemite always comes up with a topic related to real-life scenarios to provide our audience with the latest information in society. That includes nutrition, health, lifestyle, women, men, children, and many more categories. Today's blog is all about the precautions in Delhi during pollution. We'll discuss discuss about what precautions...


Acupressure for period crams.

Acupressure is a traditional massage practice that was originated from China and Vedic medical practices. In this, the practitioner applies a certain amount of pressure at the target points where the patient is feeling pain or experiencing a lack of blood flow. This techniques or medical practice is useful in curing...



Nuturemite is consistently bringing forward knowledge associated with women's health and health awareness. This blog is all about period tips. What a woman or a lady should do during her periods and what things she has to avoid considering their effects on her body and mind likewise. ensure to read till the end to understand what you were doing wrong during that menstrual week. Here I've...


Everything about : Acupressure and energy flow.

Acupressure is a form of body massage. This traditional form of massage is a boon to our generation. Acupressure is all about restoring the balance between the negative energy and the positive energy in the body. <img src="" height= 400 px width= 400 px alt="Image of acupressure therapy"< In this treatment, a...


Delayed Speech in child: causes, symptoms and treatments.

Every child starts adapting to the general development habits at their own pace. They learn according to their own will. But in some cases, the child is not talking as much as most children of the same age. The problem may be speech delay.  A speech is when a child is...


Exercises that will help you to have a vaginal delivery.

Pregnancy is indeed a blessing but it comes with intense pain that no one can even explain in words. Every woman who had experienced vaginal delivery says that, at the moment of labor you just want to get over it as soon as possible. In a study, it is stated...