Tag - women

Overcome premature aging: cause and solution.

Nuturemite is here with another informational article for you all pretty ladies. You all are beautiful and will always be. But do you know that you can reverse your premature aging process? Yes, you read it right. By following some basic steps you can remain young forever (both mentally and...



Nuturemite is consistently bringing forward knowledge associated with women's health and health awareness. This blog is all about period tips. What a woman or a lady should do during her periods and what things she has to avoid considering their effects on her body and mind likewise. ensure to read till the end to understand what you were doing wrong during that menstrual week. Here I've...


Losing Weight After Pregnancy- A healthy Approach

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to a mother in her entire life passage. Of course, it is a beautiful feeling and gift to the Father and the entire family but what a mother goes through in pregnancy is unparalleled and unmeasurable. With the hope...


Does green tea really work for weight loss??

Weight loss is everyone’s dream, to fit in decent clothes, look upright in tight-fitting clothes, and never get rejected by someone due to the fat belly hanging outside our body and whatnot. We tend to try everything and anything that seems doable to us at that very moment, some of...


12 Ways Drinking Whiskey Helps you – Weight Loss and Many More

Beer bellies, drunken munchies, empty calories; We've heard it all. But pop the champagne corks, because there's another side to it. Scientific studies suggest that there are several ways alcohol can actually help you keep the pounds off. We will discuss today the several untold benefits of whiskey! First, there's moderate...


15 Weight Loss Tips Every Girl Needs to Know

Diet and exercise may be key components of weight loss for women, but many other factors play a role. In fact, studies show that everything from sleep quality to stress levels can have a major impact on hunger, metabolism, body weight, and belly fat. Today we'll discuss the weight loss...


How to lose weight by eating whatever you like

Losing weight eating whatever you want? That’s the bold claim made by The Fast Diet, the new bestselling book by UK-based authors Michael Moseley, M.D., and Mimi Spencer, who say for five days a week you can pretty much go for it, milkshake and fries included. And lose approximately 1–3...