Tag - lose

How to Lose Weight in 28 Days: Quarantine Goals

Stuck in quarantine? Want to be more productive but don’t have the motivation to do so? Well, what if you could lose your weight, shed some pounds and be all fit and lean by the time quarantine ends? Wouldn’t it be awesome? And Maybe staying all physically fit will also...


Roti or Rice for Weight Loss: Quarantine Choices

Everyone plans to lose weight during this isolation practicing phase; when the whole world is reeling with the suffering of Covid-19. We also try to get going; with the trend of staying fit and staying healthy during this ‘#stayhome’ and ‘#stayfit’ regime! When we open up Instagram or Facebook or Snapchat...


The Weight Loss Journey of Ram Kapoor: Chubby to Sexy

Losing weight is everyone’s dream. It is quite a struggle to start and keep up with it forever. Everybody wants to be fit and get those hot abs that any girl would fall for. It is a struggle that not only a common man faces; but also top celebrities or...


15 Healthy Snacks- Healthy and Helps you Lose Weight

You may wonder if it’s possible to lose weight while not giving up snacks. If you choose healthy, whole-food options with a lot of protein and nutrients, snacks can be integral to weight loss. Some can even help keep you full throughout the day and limit your cravings for unhealthy...


15 Weight Loss Tips every Guy Needs to Know

When it comes to weight loss, it doesn't have to hurt for it to work. Let’s say you drink two bottles of soda a day. Today, we bring you 15 weight loss tips for men! At roughly 240 calories each, you’ll cut 3,360 calories a week just by switching your...


Wine for Weight Loss: Wine, Dine, and Shed Pounds

Wine, and especially red wine, has been studied extensively. Evidence suggests that moderate consumption may help people live longer; protect against certain cancers, improve mental health, and enhance heart health. So, we can definitely use wine for weight loss! So far you may have been told that if you want to...


Weight Loss Diet for Vegetarians

Vegetarianism has become increasingly popular in recent years. This diet is associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases and may aid weight loss. However, you may find it difficult to lose weight on a vegetarian diet — especially if you’re eating too many refined carbs or highly processed foods....


How to lose weight by eating whatever you like

Losing weight eating whatever you want? That’s the bold claim made by The Fast Diet, the new bestselling book by UK-based authors Michael Moseley, M.D., and Mimi Spencer, who say for five days a week you can pretty much go for it, milkshake and fries included. And lose approximately 1–3...