5 Foods to Include in the Diet for the Growth of Children

5 Foods to Include in the Diet for the Growth of Children

diet for growth of children

With a young child, meals can be an everyday hustle, especially when you want to introduce new food including lots of veggies and fruits and motivate children to make healthy food choices. Children starting their school years have several nutritional requirements that need to be fulfill for their growth, and at the same time, are at an age which shapes their lifetime food habits. The school going children are still growing, and physically active which plays a significant role in determining a child’s nutritional requirements. The genetic history, gender, body size, and build are various factors are present in the growth of a child. However, nutrients needed by children are the same needed by the adults, but the quantities may vary. In the developing years, food that provides protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins are vital for their growth and development. Without them, their growth may get retarded and in severe cases it may affect the development of their mental, and motor skills. These nutrients are available in major food groups like grains, fruits, vegetables, dairies, and proteins foods.

Here are the five, foods that should be include in the diet of growing children:

1. Berries:

  • Also, they maintain a healthy skin and boost the immune system. They protect the healthy cells from damage by free radicals and help in promoting the defense system in the body.
  • You can add them in yogurt or salad or serve them raw to your children.

2. Eggs:

  • Eggs are the natural supplement for muscle mass, function, and power. This is the reason why consumption of eggs as breakfast is important for the growing ones. However, the eggs are the great source of protein and have all the nine essential amino acids which are beneficial for the growth of your child.
  • Also, eggs are one of the best sources of choline, an important nutrient that supports brain development. You can serve them as boiled, scrambled, egg fry or prepare omelettes.

3. Peanut butter:

  • Peanut butter is packed with a lot of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to properly function and also has the ‘good’ monounsaturated fat that helps your heart stay healthy. It is also an incredibly abundant source of protein, and eventually the proteins turns into amino acids, which synthesize new proteins, build body tissues, and create enzymes to allow digest and metabolize your food.
  • However, certain brands contain added sugar, salt, palm oil, and partially hydrogenated fats which reduces the nutritional quality of peanut butter. So, look out for the label carefully.

4. Whole grain foods:

  • The grains are such a common part of a diet, but few of us actually know what a grain really is and what are its benefits. Whole grains are high in carbohydrates, and they provide the body with a nutritious source of ready energy, also whole grains contain a lot of fibers, which can help to keep you fuller, longer. What’s more, fiber rich foods help to keep your child’s digestive tract clean and running efficiently.
  • However, incorporating more whole grains into your diet may be a good way to improve your child’s health and prevent dangerous health conditions, too.
  • The amaranth, barley, maize, ragi, are one of the finest options for fiber rich food to prevent constipation. You can serve them in the form of biscuits, and whole grain bread to your child.

5. Bright colored vegetables and fruits:

  • Fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious and have excess vitamins and minerals.
  • When it comes to the colors of vegetables, aim to eat all the colors of the rainbow. So, you get all the wonderful benefits of the different phytochemicals, antioxidant vitamins, and minerals. Include carrot pumpkin sweet potato cherries tomatoes, papayas onions, celery, beets, etc. in your diet.
  • These foods are high in beta carotene and other carotenoids that changes into active vitamin A in the body. However, vitamin A is vital for good skin, and vision, growth, and repair of body tissues.
  • It’s better to serve them raw or in the form of salad to serve all the nutrition to your child.


Your child’s health is majorly determined by the genes, and other factors also play a vital role. While it is not possible to expect children to eat everything and follow a balanced diet. It can be achieved gradually by following a healthy lifestyle. You have to motivate them to include the nutritious food in their diet to boost their health and overall growth and development.

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