Olive Oil: Types, nutritional value, facts, usage, and recipes

Olive Oil: Types, nutritional value, facts, usage, and recipes

Bottle pouring virgin olive oil in a bowl close up

It is an essential fruit oil, which we get from the olive tree crop found mainly in the Mediterranean regions. It is utilized for cooking purposes, developing cosmetic products, soaps, and also used for medicinal purposes.

Types of Olive Oil:

  1. Virgin olive oil : This variety is used for cooking with lower acid content.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: This is a much better variety, and is made by cold pressing the olive fruit.

3. Pure olive oil: This type is a combination of refined, and virgin oils.

4. Lampante oil: It is used as a fuel, and is not recommended for cooking purposes.

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts:

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamin K, and vitamin E. As per the USDA, the oil is also free of carbohydrates and, cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Nutrients Values

Water 0
Energy 884
Protein 0
Total Lipid 100
Carbohydrate 0
Calcium 0
Iron 0.56
Sodium 2
Riboflavin 0
Thiamine 0
Niacin 0
Vitamin B-6 0
Vitamin E 14.35
Fatty acids, total saturated 13.81
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 10.52
Cholesterol 0

Health benefits of Olive oil:

1. Lowers cholesterol levels:

LDL cholesterol is the bad type of cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart attacks and other heart diseases. Extra virgin oil, which is rich in almost 40 antioxidant chemicals, helps to reduce the oxidation effects of LDL cholesterol.

2. Weight loss:

As this contains healthy fats it has shown positive results in weight loss. It is also a great alternative for butter and other oils loaded with calories.

3. Prevents inflammation:

It is rich in polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. As a result, its use helps to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and relieves inflammation.

4. Improves digestion:

It is known to aid in the digestive process. It is used as a medicinal oil to clean the digestive tract and improve bowel movements.

5. Delays aging:

It is rich in antioxidants and also shows the natural aging process of the human body. This is also used in cosmetic products and natural herbal therapy. It also gives a natural shine to the skin.

6. Prevents gallstones:

It is also effective in preventing gallstones as it has a laxative effect.

7. Reduces risk of cancer:

It is said to protect the human body against cancerous growth, especially bowel cancer. It also has shown a helpful effect on breast cancer.

Other benefits:

It boosts metabolism, the growth of bone structure, and brain development in children. As it is an excellent source of vitamin E it is very beneficial for older people.

Side effects of olive oil:

  1. It is consumed through the mouth is well tolerated although it might cause nausea in a very small number of people. When applied to the skin it may cause delayed allergies.

2. Olive trees produce pollen that can cause seasonal respiratory allergy in some people.

3. It might lower blood sugar. People with diabetes should check their blood sugar when using it.

How to select and store olive oil?

  1. It is available throughout the year.

2. Make sure the oil is displayed in a cool area, away from any direct or indirect contact with heat.

3. The extra virgin variety is the best, however, choose a variety based on your cooking requirements.


  1. If it goes rancid, it not only soils he delicate taste and smell but also affects the nutritional profile.

2. Light and heat are enemies of olive oil. So, store it in a cool and dark place.

3. Oxygen promotes rancidity. Hence, store in a tightly sealed bottle.

Dishes using olive oil and their nutrient values as per the serving:

1.Bean and vegetable salad :


1.3/4 cup soaked and boiled rajma
2.11/2 cups of shredded cabbage
3.1 cup grated carrot
4.3/4 cup sliced capsicum
5.2tbsp white vinegar
6.2btsp powdered sugar
7.2 tbsp olive oil.
8.1 tsp mustard powder
9. Salt to taste.


  1. Combine the rajma, cabbage, carrots, and capsicum in a deep bowl and toss it well.

2. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

3. Just before serving, pour the dressing on top and toss well.

4. Serve immediately.

Nutrients values as per the serving:

Nutrients Values
Energy 81 calories
Protein 2.9 g
Carbohydrates 15.6g
Fiber 2.5g
Cholesterol 0mg

2. Beetroot and fruit salad recipe:


1.3/4 cup orange segments
2.3/4 cup sliced apples
3.1/2 cup banana cubes
4.3/4 cup pineapple cubes
5.3/4 cup sweet lime segments
6.1 cup boiled and peeled beetroot cubes
7.2 tbsp olive oil
8.1 tbsp vinegar
9.1 tbsp orange squash
10.1 tsp finely chopped roasted peanuts
11.2 tsp powdered sugar
12.Salt and freshly ground black peppercorns
13.2tbsp pomegranate seeds
14.5 tbsp roasted and chopped peanuts.


  1. Combine all the fruits and beetroot in a large bowl and toss well. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

2. Just before serving, pour the dressing on top and serve immediately topped with pomegranate and peanuts.

Links to some best Amazon products:

Figaro Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 250ml


Borges Extra Virgin Olive Oil -1L Glass


DiSano Extra Virgin Olive Oil, First Cold Pressed, 250ml


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