Tag - side effects

Puffed rice and its health benefits

INTRODUCTION: Puffed rice is a variety of puffed grain that comes from India and made from rice. It is widely consumed in India. Puffed rice bring less calories and little fat per serving. However, it is famous with other names in different parts of country. Like muri, laiyya in Uttar Pradesh...


Hyacinth Beans: Nutritional values, health benefits, and recipes

Hyacinth beans are also known as Indian beans, papaya beans, Australia pea, Tonga beans around the globe. This plant is vigorous in warm climates and is usually grown along fences and trellis in the Orient. Bean pods are slightly curved and thin that should be harvested for vegetable use when...


Coriander Leaves: Nutritional, Health Benefits, Recipe

Coriander is commonly known as “dhania” in the Indian subcontinent and cilantro in America and some parts of Europe. Also, its scientific name is “Coriandrum Sativum L”. It is an herb that is extensively used around the world as a condiment, garnish, and for decoration on culinary dishes. Nutrition Facts: Also, it...


Introduction to collard, nutritional values, and its health benefits

Collard greens are leafy vegetables from the family of cabbage and broccoli. They are similar to kale which is also a leafy green edible vegetable with plenty of health benefits. These wonderful and nutritious vegetables are cultivated in the cooler months of the year and can resist frost unlike cabbage...


Chayote: Health benefits, nutritional facts, and recipe

Chayote like pumpkin is one of the vegetables which is very low in calories, which provides just 16 calories per 100 g, and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. It is light green, pear-shaped fruit also known as Chaco is originally native to Mexico. Chayote can be consumed raw or...


Buttermilk or chaas nutritional health benefits for skin, hair, weight loss, and much more

Buttermilk is a type of milk that has been cultured or fermented to produce a tangy or an earthy flavor. The sugars in this milk would begin to convert into lactic acid, providing the unique flavor of this beverage. Drinking it right after a long hot day in the sun...


Butter: Health Benefits, Nutritional Values, Precautions, And Recipe

Butter is a dairy product that forms when milk or cream is churned, either from a fermented or a fresh source. It is traditionally derived from animal milk.,most commonly cows, so butter as with most dairy products is produced mainly in areas with cows. It is actually a very beneficial...


Broad Beans

Broad beans are green legumes that come in pods. They have a slightly sweet ,earthy flavor and are eaten by people all over the world.Broad beans are loaded with vitamins,minerals,fiber and protein.They’re thought to offer impressive health effects,such as improved motor function and immunity.Vicia faba,also known as broad bean,fava bean,is a...